Monday, May 02, 2011

Texian Navy Day on Battleship Texas: September 17, 2011

Dear Friend of Texas History:

Perhaps you are aware that the Texas Legislature in 2005 created Texian Navy Day to be the third Saturday in September each year, beginning in 2006. It has since then been memorialized in activities by various organizations in Texas who enjoy preserving and celebrating aspects of Texas History and, in particular, recognizing the value of the Texas Navy of the Republic of Texas, which existed as an independent nation 1836-1846.

This year, the Sons of the Republic of Texas will celebrate this renown holiday on September 17, 2011 on board the Battleship Texas by the Battleship Texas Foundation! This is SRT's way of honoring Texian Navy Day. It is not a state-sponsored celebration belonging to SRT, but rather one, hopefully, of many similar celebrations to take place across Texas on that day by the various heritage and history organizations of Texas.

It is my privilege to have served on the Texas Navy Committee of the SRT since 2008, and I urge you to make special plans to attend this or some other ceremony on this September 17 in honor and remembrance of our beloved Texas Navy. Suzanne and I will be at the Battleship Texas event.

Look for advertisements later in the year about time and directions. Most likely, it will be a late morning event that Saturday. I would be happy to entertain any inquiries you may have bout it.

D. A. Sharpe

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