Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sad Day For Texas - Editorial by Margo I. Green - Removal of Daughters of the Republic of Texas as Alamo Custodians


Friday, July 10, 2015 was a “Sad Day for Texas” with the removal of the Daughters of  the Republic of Texas” as custodians of the “Alamo”. My husband, Tom Green, member of the Sons of the Republic of Texas; Knight of San Jacinto; Texas Army; Texas Navy Admiral and past State President of the Sons of the American Revolution, and I participated in the final hour of the Daughters of the Republic (DRT) custodianship of the Alamo.

The Catholic Church sold the “Alamo” chapel (only) to the State of Texas in 1883. In 1892, a portion of the land surrounding the “Alamo” chapel was saved from becoming a hotel when DRT members Adina de Zavala and Clara Driscoll raised the money to purchase what was left of the “Alamo” battle field from Charles Hugo and Gustav Schmeltzer, merchants. In September, 1905 the State of Texas drafted a bill, sponsored by Adina De Zavala,  reimbursing Clara Driscoll for the purchase of the Alamo grounds. Ownership of the surrounding “Alamo” grounds was transferred to the state at that time.

In 1905 the state of Texas awarded The DRT with the custodianship of the  “Alamo” chapel and remaining grounds  The DRT would lovingly  hold the custodianship of the Shrine of Texas Liberty and honored their commitment  for 110 years with little or no state financial support. The DRT has supported the “Alamo” with thousands of uncompensated volunteer hours and monies earned from the gift shop and donations .

Now, The Congress of the state of Texas voted to remove the DRT as custodians of the “Alamo”. The “Alamo” is now placed under authority of the Texas Land Commissioner, George P. Bush. It is indeed a “SAD DAY FOR TEXAS” when the Daughters of the Republic of Texas have been basically kicked out of the “Alamo”. Saving the “Alamo” was a masterful fete in the first place and continued care by mostly their own expense has now disrespectfully been discounted by the state.

Many reasons can be cited on both sides, (political, personal vendetta's, private business investments, and differences of opinions on how the “Alamo” should be run)  for the termination of the involvement of the DRT. However, I do believe that a compromise could have been reach between the state of Texas and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas to allow the DRT to have an honorary role in daily operations of  “The Shrine of Texas Liberty” after the DRT’S  110 years of dedicated care and service.  

Tears fell, by the hundreds of DRT members and supporters present, as they watch the DRT’S flag being lowered at 5PM Friday, July, 2015 as the bagpipes played the “Yellow Rose of Texas” followed by a salute by the Texas Army to the Daughter followed by the singing of “Texas Our Texas”.  A “Sad Day for Texas”, indeed!

Editorial submitted by Margo I. Green.   Member of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Pearland, Texas.

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